[Preview] The Circular Pathway Starter Pack

ICLEI USA’s newly released Circular Pathway Starter Pack is here to help local governments kickstart the transition to a circular economy through four key resources. The starter pack equips members with the tools necessary for understanding, communicating, and baselining circularity in addition to providing a database of strategies that local governments are already implementing across the U.S. 

Check out the starter pack to:

  1. Learn about the 5-R Framework 
  2. Find ICLEI USA’s go-to circular resources, tools, and databases.
  3. Explore strategies and initiatives local governments are already implementing across the U.S. to develop the circular economy. 
  4. Create a presentation defining circular concepts and frameworks for internal stakeholders, community members, or partners.  

Are you an ICLEI USA member interested in accessing the starter pack? For more information, email your membership coordinator or iclei-usa@iclei.org.