The Resilient Pathway

Be ready for shifts and changes.

Prepare to put climate adaptation and risk preparedness at the center of your operations and planning.

Resiliency's Key Role

Through resilience planning, ICLEI members and project communities lay the groundwork for recovery following shocks and stresses. Resiliency-centered planning and development improve your ability to protect your community in the case of expected and unexpected disasters. 

Race to Resilience

ICLEI USA wants to support your community’s climate resilience journey with our Cities Race to Resilience support package, an exclusive offer for ICLEI USA members that sign on to the Race. 

Our Approach to Resiliency


Understand your Vulnerabilities

Communities can begin to address resilience by characterizing the existing administrative, financial, technical, economic, and social factors that support or impede climate adaptation. Our local governments develop climate vulnerability assessments, often using the Temperate tool, in order to translate local climate data into insights for qualifying climate hazards and their community’s ability to adapt to change.


Integrate Adaptation into your Operations

We assist communities to develop climate adaptation plans or integrated plans, which address climate mitigation, adaptation and equity in a comprehensive process. Members take advantage of funding announcements, technical assistance, and ICLEI’s network of knowledge to move from planning to action.


Collaborate and Lead the Movement

Our annual Daring Cities event brings the most daring adaptation and resilience actions happening on the ground to a global arena for mutual learning and acceleration. Local governments report adaptation progress through the CDP-ICLEI Unified Reporting System.

ICLEI USA Resilience Projects

More Projects

  • Communities in the New York Hudson Valley, including Hastings-on-Hudson and New Paltz, are using Temperate to develop community-driven climate vulnerability assessments.
  • Integrated Climate Action Planning cohorts walk local governments through a multi-month, live group-training experience.
  • CITYFOOD Network cities, including Minneapolis and New Haven are developing sustainability regional food systems.
  • The Mountain Towns 2030 initiative brings together U.S. Mountain West communities facing similar challenges into an ICLEI training program to prepare for climate readiness.
  • San Diego Bay communities create a coastal adaptation plan to prepare for sea level rise.

ICLEI USA Resilience Cohorts

Cohorts are guided group technical assistance programs that guide communities to results. Learn More

ICLEI USA Resilience Resources

More Resources

  • Temperate, ICLEI’s climate adaptation tool available in partnership with Azavea through an annual license fee, offers communities an affordable way to assess climate hazards and address adaptation priorities using temperature, precipitation and other climate data specific to your community.
  • Join the conversation in the ICLEI Community platform’s Adaptation & Resilience neighborhood.
  • The CDP-ICLEI Unified Reporting System is a monitoring, verification and reporting platform for local governments.

Resilient Testimonials

“Participating in the ICLEI USA 2024 Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment cohort was a very beneficial and worthwhile experience. As I am preparing to begin the process of developing a Climate Vulnerability Assessment and Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan for my County, the information and tools shared within this cohort by ICLEI staff, guest speakers, and my fellow participants will be tremendously useful. I look forward to continuing to engage with ICLEI in a variety of topic areas relating to my work in sustainability and climate change.”

Madison Quinn, Sustainability Coordinator Monroe County, NY

“When our community started to investigate options for developing a Climate Vulnerability Assessment we weren’t sure how to tackle a planning project with such a wide scope and so many unknowns to plan for.  The Temperate Tool fit our needs exactly. It has allowed us to focus in on the hazards and community systems at risk particular to our geography. We have been very pleased with how intuitive the tool is to use while being extremely comprehensive and would strongly recommend it to other communities.”

Carol Davis

"The Town of Vail is a vibrant community nestled in a beautiful mountain ecosystem and that values sustainability and environmental stewardship. The recent COVID-19 situation has shed light on the importance of a strong and resilient community. Ensuring our community is able to persevere, adapt, overcome, and strengthen in the face of any adversity—from the impacts of climate change to a global pandemic—is vital.  With deep roots to support us, we will grow and strengthen through this."

Dave Chapin
Mayor of Vail, CO

"As a coastal community, Hoboken has directly felt the impacts of climate change, including rising sea levels and more frequent storms. At the same time, we’ve invested hundreds of millions of dollars adapting to the realities of climate change, Big Oil companies have engaged in a decades-long campaign of misinformation that has contributed to global warming which has disproportionately impacted our residents. It’s time these companies pay their fair share and be held accountable for their actions."

Ravi Bhalla
Mayor of Hoboken, NJ

"San Antonio is proud to join CitiesWithNature as a Pioneer City.  Established on the banks of the San Antonio River over 300 years ago, our city continues to thrive by respecting our abundant natural resources.  We know that caring for nature is essential to a sustainable future, and have prioritized biodiversity, green infrastructure and healthy ecosystems in our SA Climate Ready, Climate Action & Adaptation Plan.  We celebrate this initiative and look forward to working together as stewards of our planet."

Ron Nirenberg
Mayor of San Antonio, TX

"Every community should undertake a climate vulnerability assessment and we feel privileged to have ICLEI's support as we launch ours. The assessment will help us plan for changing future conditions. It will also help us make investments now that will ensure the resiliency of our community after we are long gone.  Climate adaptation is not a choice—it is a duty!"

Nicola Armacost
Mayor, Village of Hastings-on-Hudson, NY

Indiana University Resilience Cohort

“I am so thankful for having ICLEI as a partner in the Resilience Cohort program. Their technical expertise and the platform they have for providing support exponentially increased our ability to guide Indiana communities on their path towards climate resilience and greenhouse gas mitigation.”

Andrea Marie Webster
Implementation Manager, Environmental Resilience Institute, Indiana University