ICLEI USA & ResourceX Budgeting for Climate Action Cohort: Integrating Municipal Budgeting and Procurement to Advance Climate Plan Outcomes

ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability USA (ICLEI USA) and ResourceX are teaming up to help local governments increase their climate change and sustainability impact through better coordination between climate action, budget and purchasing processes. For over three decades, ICLEI USA has provided the tools, technical assistance, frameworks, and network to advance sustainability and climate action. Combined with ResourceX’s proven tools to fund climate action through Climate Budgeting, the partners share a desire to promote local climate action and make communities more equitable and prepared for climate change impacts.

The cohort accepted applications from U.S. cities and counties wishing to align their existing budgets with climate action plans and leverage existing resources to access and manage federal funds. The following local governments will participate in the initial ICLEI USA & ResourceX Budgeting for Climate Action Cohort in spring 2023:

I’m excited to work with ICLEI – USA, ResourceX and our peer cities across the country to show what climate-focused budgeting can look like. The budget is a key expression of any city’s priorities and is an essential part of successful climate action at the local level.” 

William Bernstein, Climate & Energy Manager, City of Pittsburgh, PA

Purpose, Roles, and Expectations

Despite decades of efforts in local climate action, deep cost reductions in renewable energy, and historic levels of federal investment in infrastructure and climate programs, many local governments feel stymied in an “analysis and planning cycle” that occupies time and resources that could be applied to program implementation.

Leveraging existing resources through municipal and county budgets provide a critical starting point and an immediate opportunity to make critical climate investments and mitigate the accumulating costs associated with weather-born events. By aligning resources, staffing, and priorities across departments, local governments can maximize this unprecedented moment of federal investment in community decarbonization and resilience.

Altogether, a whole-of-government approach to budgeting paired with advanced, delivery-oriented project management is the recipe for fully seizing this climate opportunity. This approach is the purpose of the Budgeting for Climate Cohort. The goal for cohort participants is to each identify 1 – 3 unfunded climate actions and develop strategies to fully fund, implement and execute these actions.

Cohort Design & Intended Outcomes

  • Provide a macro-overview of local government capabilities and the need to create purpose-driven budget and finance strategies
  • Familiarity with the role cities/counties have in addressing climate action and new ways to approach budgeting for impacts. What are “climate” items in the budget? What do you “control”?
  • Create a shared understanding of city/county climate priorities and how the current budget is/is not addressing the needs
  • Introduce participants to Priority Based Budgeting (PBB) and the larger Program Insights process
  • Identify ways to improve collaboration and communication between budget, procurement, and climate teams
  • City/counties match their critical climate projects with budget, finance and procurement tools needed for delivery
  • Determine the primary project and the team responsible for delivery
  • Create a budget request and procurement design strategy to accelerate implementation

Cohort Partners


Angie Fyfe, Executive Director, ICLEI USA, angie.fyfe@iclei.org, 510-844-0699

Erik Fabian, Strategic Partnerships Manager, ResourceX, efabian@resourcex.net
