ICLEI USA & ResourceX Announce Partnership to Further Advance Sustainability and Climate Ambitions for Local Governments

Governments must continually juggle multiple issues of immediate importance. Resource scarcity and organizational constraints make it difficult to address “new” issues such as climate action. However, local governments don’t have the luxury of not preparing for the impacts of climate change. They have the unique opportunity to lead local climate action by helping their communities adapt to climate change and reducing emissions.

ICLEI USA and ResourceX are proud to announce a new partnership to increase local governments’ sustainability and climate ambitions. For over three decades, ICLEI USA has provided the tools, technical assistance, frameworks, and network to advance sustainability and climate action. Combined with ResourceX’s proven tools to fund climate action through Climate Budgeting, the partners share a desire to promote local climate action and make communities more equitable and prepared for climate change impacts.

“Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risk and rating scores are beginning to impact local government finance.  Moreover, federal investment in clean energy and climate change offers an unprecedented opportunity to advance climate action.  Deployment on both aspects requires coordination between financial officers and sustainability officers.  That’s why we are extremely excited about our partnership with ResourceX, which provides ICLEI members with pathways to success.”

ICLEI USA Executive Director Angie Fyfe

Each partner brings expertise, tools, and knowledge: ResourceX creates and manages municipal budgets aligned with community priorities, and ICLEI USA develops local government assessments and evidence-based climate action plans. Both parties, working together, can better educate local government staff and leaders on the fiscal pathways to implement climate action strategies and the financial risks associated with climate change impacts.

ResourceX has a vision for a far better world, and we have placed our bet on you, local government leaders, as the catalysts for change. With this new partnership with ICLEI USA, we can jointly deliver accelerated climate and sustainability resources and support to local government leaders for the benefit of residents, the community, and the country.”

ResourceX CEO Chris Fabian

ICLEI USA and ResourceX remain committed to supporting local governments to advance climate action across the United States. Look for an announcement later this year about an exciting cohort training opportunity for local governments.

For questions, please contact:

ICLEI USA: Anne Marie Cleary Rauker am.clearyrauker@iclei.org

ResourceX: Erik Fabian efabian@resourcex.net
