ICLEI USA applauds the ambitious U.S. 2030 climate goal developed through strong multilevel collaboration

It is time to turn this opportunity into a new normal in every country towards COP26

ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability USA applauds the Biden administration for announcing the U.S.’ second nationally determined contribution (NDC) submission to the Paris Climate Agreement, which aims at 50 to 52 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 2005 levels within the next nine years. This target responds directly to leadership calls from mayors, county executives, governors, tribal leaders, businesses, faith groups, cultural institutions, health care organizations, investors, and citizens who have worked together over the past four years to ensure sustained progress in reducing pollution in the United States.

“The United State’s second NDC is the most ambitious, advanced and comprehensive Paris Agreement contribution by any advanced economy as of April 2021 in relation to the multilevel collaboration with cities, states, and tribes,” said Frank Cownie, Mayor of Des Moines and President of ICLEI globally. “In my global role as President of ICLEI, I encourage all nations to embrace and reflect similar visions for multilevel and collaboration in their NDCs towards COP26.”

“In 2015, the world was joyful as the Paris Agreement was signed, committing the U.S. to curb greenhouse gas emissions by more than a quarter,” said Angie Fyfe, Executive Director. “Today, President Biden and his team signaled that they are committed to doing what is necessary; much more than the U.S.’ first NDC.”  The U.S. has multiple paths to reach these goals working in close collaboration with local governments. ICLEI is providing support throughout 2021 for 150 cities, towns and counties in the United States—the ICLEI150 in the Race to Zero—a global partnership to determine their fair share of the 2030 target and begin to implement actions toward mid-century climate neutrality. This will put the ICLEI network of local and regional governments on track to help the U.S. to deliver and even exceed the targets announced today.

“This leadership by example significantly supports and elevates the vision and calls for the LGMA Constituency for a Multilevel Action COP26 at Glasgow, which will start by adoption of ambitious new and enhanced NDCs by every nation with a strong engagement of local and regional governments as the new normal in the Paris Agreement,” said Yunus Arikan, Director of Global Advocacy at ICLEI World Secretariat and Focal Point for the Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) Constituency contributing to the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change.
