EECC Provides Voting Recommendations for a More Energy-Efficient 2018 IECC

With over 700 different residential, commercial, and administrative proposals, we understand voting on the 2018 IECC may seem overwhelming, especially if it is your first time voting on building energy codes! Fortunately, the Energy Efficient Codes Coalition (EECC) has simplified the process by creating a comprehensive guide of all 180 proposals that impact energy efficiency and a fast-track guide of 119 proposals for which EECC offers voting recommendations. For those that don’t have time to vote on all 119 proposals, but still want to support energy efficient building codes, we’ve narrowed down the list to the 27 proposals which are most significant to energy efficiency. Even if you just cast these 27 votes, you could help boost the efficiency of both the 2018 IECC’s residential AND commercial chapters by a modest 5% over the 2015 IECC.

Voting is Easy! 

Once ICC opens online voting (open on November 8th and close on November 22nd):

  1. Visit cdpACCESS
  2. Log in with your “My ICC” email and password
  3. Cast your votes

November 18, 2016 at 1PM EST: Join a webinar on Improving Efficiency in the 2018 IECC Through Online Voting with cdpACCESS

Register for the webinar here.

