Global Covenant of Mayors USA Helpdesk Webinar Series

The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM) USA Helpdesk provides administrative, logistical, and technical support to signatory cities, as well as those cities interested in joining the initiative and other stakeholders. Running through February 2020, the Helpdesk provided a series of webinars to inform and support U.S. cities, counties, and regional governments. […]

ICLEI’s Takeways from the UN Climate Action and SDG Summits 2019

Last update October 03, 2019 On September 23, 2019, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, will host the Climate Action Summit in New York with the objective of boosting ambition and rapidly accelerating action to implement the Paris Agreement. The Summit will take place during the UN General Assembly where other complementary events […]

Protocol Update

forest and land use appendix for u.s. community protocolDOWNLOAD THE PROTOCOL

Communities Now Better Equipped to Include Trees in Climate Action Planning

Forests sequester about one third of greenhouse gas emissions, yet only a handful of U.S. communities include trees in GHG inventories. Washington, D.C. (August 19, 2019) – Today, ICLEI–Local Governments for Sustainability USA (ICLEI) unveiled new guidance that enables U.S. cities and counties to include forests and trees within their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions accounting, […]

How Does ICLEI Support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals?

The following communication is provided to the ICLEI member community by ICLEI Global Head of Policy, Yunus Arikan, to explain the the history and role of ICLEI in international sustainability policy. This background is provided to support ICLEI’s agenda during the High-level Polical Forum, the United Nations’ central platform for reviewing the Sustainable Development Goals […]

Data-Driven Ambition

annual report shows ICLEI USA members lead using sustainability data VIEW REPORT

UrbanFootprint and ICLEI USA Partner to Help Cities Take Smart Climate Action

Berkeley, California: UrbanFootprint, a Berkeley-based location intelligence and urban planning software company, today announced their partnership with ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability USA, a global network of local governments committed to creating sustainable, equitable, and resilient communities. “We are ecstatic to team up with ICLEI to bring local governments the tools they need to […]