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Perspectives on Community-Scale GHG Accounting

Our sun; it is a chaotic system of many different types of energies interacting with one another and the surrounding environment. The same could be said of the emissions-generating processes of a city. When our scientists at NASA study the inner workings of the sun, they don’t just look at it head on. Many of […]

EnergySage Solar Marketplace

On February 23rd at 3:00pm Eastern, ICLEI USA and EnergySage will hold a webinar discussing the Solar Marketplace, an online platform to encourage solar adoption in your community. Free to ICLEI members, the SolarMarketplace makes it easy to promote the benefits of solar energy in your community. This webinar will explain how the SolarMarketplace works […]


The Energy Efficient Codes Coalition urges supporters of energy efficiency to take advantage of this extended vote period to vote on extra measures you may have not had time to vote on in the initial window. Please refer to the EECC Voting Guides for our detailed recommendations on measures to support or oppose. Don’t delay – […]

EECC Provides Voting Recommendations for a More Energy-Efficient 2018 IECC

With over 700 different residential, commercial, and administrative proposals, we understand voting on the 2018 IECC may seem overwhelming, especially if it is your first time voting on building energy codes! Fortunately, the Energy Efficient Codes Coalition (EECC) has simplified the process by creating a comprehensive guide of all 180 proposals that impact energy efficiency and a fast-track […]

Travel scholarships available: ICC Final Comment Hearings

ICLEI USA is providing travel scholarships to local governments for the express intent of enabling qualified local government officials (GMVRs) to attend the ICC Final Comment Hearings in Kansas City, MO, October 19-25, 2016. While the travel scholarship is intended to partially cover expenses of the individual traveler, the expense reimbursement payment will be made […]

Montreal Protocol Announcement

On September 22, 2016, the White House called on fellow world leaders to support an ambitious amendment to the Montreal Protocol that will phasedown hydrofluorocarbon (HFCs) with the aim of avoiding 0.5oC of global warming by the end of the century. Because HFCs are one of the most potent greenhouse gases, any action to quickly […]

carbonn Climate Reporting Deadline

We need your help today to demonstrate the power of local climate action on the international stage.  If you can share some highlights of your recent climate, energy or resilience efforts before tomorrow, Friday September 30th, they will be included in an annual report demonstrating our collective global impact, to be delivered at the upcoming UN climate meetings in […]