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4 Ways Google EIE Transformed Transportation Data Collection

Local governments need high-quality, consistent data to plan and achieve their transportation goals. To help meet this need, Google’s Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) makes locally-relevant, regularly-updated data more accessible than ever.  EIE provides local governments with a streamlined platform to access transportation and building emissions data and rooftop solar capacity that is powered by Google’s […]

ICLEI Leadership Supports a U.S.-Mexico Partnership with Local-Level Climate Action

In their Joint Declaration on United States-Mexico collaboration issued on March 1, President Biden and President López Obrador highlight the importance of tackling the climate crisis, while strengthening coordination on migration, the economy, security, and COVID-19 recovery. As board members of the U.S. and Mexico country offices of ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability, we welcome […]

21 City and County Leaders Launch ICLEI150 Race to Zero in the United States

ICLEI150 is an  ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability USA (ICLEI USA) initiative. During 2021, ICLEI USA will support 150 U.S. local governments in the Cities Race to Zero through the development of their 2030 science-based emission reduction target and guidance to implement at least one high-impact action. Participants receive ICLEI USA’s support to achieve […]

CDP-ICLEI Unified Reporting System Webinars

To kick off this year’s reporting cycle, CDP and ICLEI are hosting webinars to help you get started if it’s your first time, or if you’ve reported before, we will highlight recent changes to the Cities questionnaire and explain how our partnership supports your city. Both webinars will run twice, so feel free to sign up for […]

Conversation with Maia Davis: Elements of Regional Climate Planning

Maia Davis is a Senior Environmental Planner at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG). COG connects leaders across the metropolitan Washington region, representing over 5.7 million people, to develop solutions to the area’s major challenges. Maia is part of the COG team that developed and manages the Metropolitan Washington 2030 Climate and Energy Action […]

New Tool for Measuring Forest Emissions and Sequestration

Increasing carbon sequestration and reducing emissions from local forests and trees plays a key role in climate change mitigation. Land use, land-use change, and forestry resulted in a net offset of 12.3 percent of the United State’s total 2019 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To better understand local GHGs from forests, communities can now use the […]

Transitioning to a Circular Economy: Measuring Where to Start

How cities can build a circular economy can seem complex and perplexing — but it helps to think of local-level circularity as expanding on the “Three R’s” many of us learned in school: to regenerate, rethink, reuse, reduce, and recover. In this way, regeneration, including of the ecosystems upon which our society depends, and rethinking […]

ICLEI’s North American Governing Committee Supports a Renewed U.S.-Canada Partnership with Local-Level Action

The Roadmap for a Renewed U.S.-Canada Partnership establishes a blueprint for an ambitious and whole-of-government effort against the COVID-19 pandemic, while addressing some of the most pressing challenges confronting our region, including climate change, global health security, cooperation on defense and security, and our two nations’ shared commitment to diversity, equity, and justice. As the […]