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The Circular Pathway and the Key Role Circularity Plays in Achieving Climate Goals

Integrating circularity into community systems and local economies can drive resilience, climate action, and biodiversity conservation while also offering cities the tools to support social equity, local job creation, public health, and community wealth.  The Cities Summit of the Americas is just around the corner, and ICLEI is excited to host a session on urban […]

ICLEI USA & ResourceX Budgeting for Climate Action Cohort: Integrating Municipal Budgeting and Procurement to Advance Climate Plan Outcomes

ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability USA (ICLEI USA) and ResourceX are teaming up to help local governments increase their climate change and sustainability impact through better coordination between climate action, budget and purchasing processes. For over three decades, ICLEI USA has provided the tools, technical assistance, frameworks, and network to advance sustainability and climate action. Combined with ResourceX’s […]

Three Steps to Secure Your Community’s EECBG Climate Funding

It was easy to be pessimistic in 2022 that any substantive federal action on climate would occur.  However, in the waning months of last year, Congress and the Biden Administration were able to get a significant boost in federal funding and investments across the finish line.  Within the Inflation Reduction Act was a directive to […]

FAQs: Climate-Aligned Budgeting Cohort 2023

We are teaming up with ResourceX to help local governments increase their climate change and sustainability impact through better coordination between climate action,  budget and purchasing processes through a Budgeting for Climate Action Cohort (applications due on 01/27/23). We encourage all interested communities to explore the following FAQs and email to answer any additional […]

An EECBG Support Package for ICLEI USA Members

ICLEI USA will focus our network support on key Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 (IIJA) programs that best align with ICLEI’s expertise and our network’s needs, specifically the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) program. Have you received your Notice of Intent to provide your community with Federal EECBG funds in the […]

A New Year’s Message from ICLEI President Mayor Frank Cownie

My Esteemed Colleagues – At the start of 2023, it’s a perfect time to reflect on our work from the past year. I’m always proud of ICLEI’s accomplishments, but this year feels like we’ve found our stride and are moving full steam ahead. Perhaps the best punctuation to this year’s achievements was our successful attendance […]

U.S. Representatives Champion Nature-Based Solutions at COP15

United States cities, counties, and states are calling for nature to have its “Paris Agreement moment” this month when they take part in an unprecedented show of leadership by local governments at the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity’s (CBD) 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15). For the first time at the “nature COP”, a […]

U.S. Mayors and Local Leaders Go to Egypt to Urge “All Hands On Deck” for the Climate Emergency at COP27

Following advocacy successes by ICLEI and partners in last year’s COP26, the historic Paris Climate Agreement now officially recognizes local governments as critical to achieving global climate outcomes. The delegation of ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability USA (ICLEI) leaders at the UNFCCC’s 27th Conference of the Parties (COP27) underscores the importance of the U.S. […]

Key Messages of U.S. Leaders During Daring Cities 2022

Key Messages of U.S. Leaders During Daring Cities 2022 This week, bold city leaders, practitioners, researchers, and experts are attending a virtual journey to tackle the multi-faceted challenges of financing humanity’s path out of the climate emergency. Across 13 workshops and seven high-level dialogues, Daring Cities 2022 inspired all to take action, with collaboration across […]