Local-to-National Collaboration is the Paris Agreement’s Implementation Success Plan Following COP28

Statement from Angie Fyfe, ICLEI USA Executive Director While sharing in celebration that COP28 signaled “the beginning of the end” for the fossil fuel era, ICLEI USA is also applauding strong references to “multilevel action” in the outcomes. These references in the Global Stocktake and Global Goal on Adaptation mean that national governments should collaborate […]
Finalists Announced for the ICLEI Action Fund, Round One in the U.S.

Made possible through funding from Google.org, the ICLEI Action Fund will provide three awards of $1,000,000 each to nonprofit organizations to accelerate the implementation of a U.S. local government climate action plan while addressing inequality. The initial round of abstracts yielded roughly 100 climate projects located in 34 states. “The abstracts represent a huge range […]
ICLEI USA Statement Condemning Racism and Support for Movement of Black Lives
STATEMENT – June 4, 2020. Frontline communities are disproportionately impacted by climate change. Addressing inequality and climate change are inherently linked. ICLEI condemns racism. Our vision is to support all local governments in the development of community-driven sustainability plans, incorporating both climate mitigation and adaptation strategies, with the goal of lifting up vulnerable people. ICLEI’s pathways […]
Response: As the U.S. Pursues Paris Agreement Withdrawal, Hundreds of U.S. Communities Stand Firm on Climate Action

Today, the United States formally withdrew the country from the Paris Agreement. Ratified three years ago by 187 nations, including the U.S., this international climate agreement is essential to ensuring a safe, just, and livable future for all Americans and for people and nature across the planet. The administration’s decision to withdrawal does not represent […]
ICLEI USA Welcomes New Board Members for 2018

Members of ICLEI USA Board of Directors join the ICLEI delegation to COP21 in Paris We are delighted to welcome to our Board of Directors as of January 1, 2018: Mayor William Peduto, City of Pittsburgh; Mr. David Driskell, Deputy Director, Planning and Community Development for the City of Seattle; and Mr. Dan Stiles, Founder […]
Clean Energy Policy Guide for State Legislatures
Cities are taking bold action to reduce emissions and develop climate-ready communities, but they can’t do it alone. State and local government cooperation yields greater results. The Center for the New Energy Economy released The Clean Energy Policy Guide for State Legislatures, an interactive e-book with maps, charts, videos, links to reports and podcasts on leading […]
Non-Partisan Citizen Empowerment is Working
Guest post from Joseph Robertson, Global Strategy Director, Citizen’s Climate Lobby Throughout the 21st century, cities are likely to be more and more the engines of design that determine how we live and whether our way of making a living in the world is sustainable. Every society everywhere grapples with questions of how much decision-making […]
Change the Pallet: Procurement Specs Reduce Emissions
The following is a guest post by Roger Ballentine, President of Green Strategies, Inc.; and Adam Pener, president and owner of a corrugated cardboard pallet manufacturer Green Ox and founder of Change the Pallet. More so than ever, cities are taking the lead in adopting sustainable innovations that reduce climate impact, save money, and better the lives of […]
Before it ends…women’s history month

I’d be remiss in letting WHM go by without sharing a few thoughts on my own career trajectory. I’ve been fortunate to have had strong female role models. As @ValerieJarrett notes in her WHM Spotify Playlist – it is very hard to be what you cannot see – and she challenges “trailblazing women” to share our stories […]
US Composting Council seeks municipal stakeholder input
This is a guest blog by Sarah Martinez, who serves on the Board of the U.S. Composting Council and is the Sustainability Maven at Eco-Products, Inc. Are you aware that composting organic materials, such as food scraps and landscaping debris, and incorporating compost into soil not only reduces pressure on landfills, but it also reduces greenhouse […]