21 City and County Leaders Launch ICLEI150 Race to Zero in the United States

ICLEI150 is an  ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability USA (ICLEI USA) initiative. During 2021, ICLEI USA will support 150 U.S. local governments in the Cities Race to Zero through the development of their 2030 science-based emission reduction target and guidance to implement at least one high-impact action. Participants receive ICLEI USA’s support to achieve climate goals, build back better, put America back to work, and build healthy, resilient communities.

Race To Zero is a global campaign to rally leadership and support from businesses, cities, regions, and investors for a healthy and resilient, zero carbon recovery that prevents future threats, creates decent jobs, and unlocks inclusive, sustainable growth. The objective is to build momentum around the shift to a decarbonized economy ahead of COP26, where governments must strengthen their contributions to the Paris Agreement. Global partners include: C40 Cities, CDP, Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, United Cities and Local Governments, WRI, and WWF

Denver, Colorado. On the occasion of Earth Week and the U.S. Climate Leaders Summit; 21 cities, towns, and counties announce the launch of the ICLEI150 Race to Zero, an effort to significantly advance local carbon neutrality efforts in the United States and demonstrate U.S. leadership in the global Cities Race to Zero initiative.

Honorable Mayor Christopher Taylor, Ann Arbor, MI

Honorable Mayor Lauren McLean, Boise, ID

Honorable Mayor Sam Weaver, Boulder, CO

Honorable Mayor Frank Cownie, Des Moines, IA

Honorable Mayor Melanie Piana, Ferndale, MI

Honorable Mayor Nicola Armacost, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY

Honorable Mayor Ravinder Bhalla, Hoboken, NJ

Honorable Mayor Steven Fulop, Jersey City, NJ

Councilmember Kelly King, Maui County, HI

Honorable Mayor Daniella Levine Cava, Miami-Dade County, FL

County Executive, Marc Erlich, Montgomery County, MD

Honorable Mayor Linda Slocum, Oberlin, OH

Honorable Mayor Buddy Dyer, Orlando, FL

Honorable Mayor Bill Peduto, Pittsburgh, PA

Honorable Mayor Ron Nirenberg, San Antonio, TX

Honorable Mayor Sam Liccardo, San Jose, CA

Commissioner Anna Hansen, Santa Fe, NM

Honorable Mayor Melvin Carter, Saint Paul, NM

Honorable Mayor Rick Kriseman, St. Petersburg, FL

Commissioner Brigid Shea, Travis County, TX

Commissioner Sue Shink, Washtenaw County, MI

These leaders will take bold action to reach climate neutrality by 2050, while protecting their communities from the devastating effects of climate-driven extreme weather, promote climate justice, and create new economic opportunities in their communities. 

“It is inspiring to see all the local governments that are stepping up and fighting climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It is our communities that are on the front line, bearing the brunt of climate disasters and creating new ways to be better prepared,” said Brigid Shea, ICLEI USA Board Chair and Travis County TX Commissioner.  “We are full partners with the US and other nations of the world in tackling this enormous challenge.”

“The City of boulder is proud to stand with other cities in the Race to Zero. We know that cities acting alone won’t come close to the action needed to stabilize our climate, so we are grateful for the chance to collaborate,” said Sam Weaver, City of Boulder Mayor. “Cities are where integrated solutions, backed up by ambitious policy and urban planning, will be critical in creating the systemic change needed to create more sustainable, equitable and prosperous world.”

Leaders will participate in a robust dialogue in the U.S. Climate Action Week side event, April 21 at noon Eastern time.  Register HERE or HERE



ICLEI USA is an acknowledged leader in local government technical assistance, providing the tools, standards, and programs for local governments to measurably reduce carbon emissions. ICLEI is a global network working with more than 2500 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development. Active in 125+ countries, ICLEI influences sustainability policy and drives local action for low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient, and circular development. Learn more at icleiusa.org.

Press Contacts

Sarah Ditton (she/her)

Communications Officer ● ICLEI USA

Telephone (224) 875 0049 Email sarah.ditton@iclei.org ● Schedule Meeting Here

Ariel Dekovic

Head of Global Communications ● ICLEI World Secretariat

Telephone +49-(0)228 / 976 299-16 ● Email ariel.dekovic@iclei.org ● Skype ariel.dekovic.iclei
