
In Spring 2025, we’ll launch the revamped ClearPath 2.0 platform, powered by ClimateView. This next-generation tool combines ICLEI USA’s decades of experience with ClimateView’s cutting-edge technology to help U.S. subnational governments make data-driven decisions, engage stakeholders, and drive transparent climate action.

The leading online software platform for completing greenhouse gas inventories, forecasts, climate action plans, and monitoring at the community-wide or government-operations scales. 

Explore product features, projects, testimonials, and more!

Streamline Your Emissions Management

Engineered for your full mitigation journey.

Set Baseline

Create a baseline inventory of GHG emissions from your community, operations, or region

Forecast Emissions

Produce business-as-usual scenarios based on custom factors

Explore Actions

Plan using over 60 calculators modeling GHG reductions from specific actions

Monitor Progress

Track each action and the energy savings and emissions reductions achieved

Free with Membership

ICLEI members receive access to ClearPath as a benefit of paid ICLEI membership, along with dedicated technical assistance and in-depth library training resources.

Understand your starting Point

Create a baseline inventory of GHG emissions from your community and/or municipal operations.

This baseline helps you to understand where to prioritize emissions reductions and set a starting point to measure future progress

Track emissions direct and indirect from





Forests and Trees

Output community inventory results for

Explore and Prioritize Actions

Evaluate Future Scenarios

The forecast module produces a business-as-usual scenario (or multiple scenarios) and can account for federal, state and utility policies and plans that affect the carbon intensity of the electricity grid and fuel efficiency of vehicles

Identify Effective Strategies

In the planning module, more than 60 different calculators are available to model emissions reductions from specific actions such as bike paths or residential heat pumps.

Visualize Impact

Actions are then combined into a planning scenario that allows you to dynamically compare reductions from different combinations of actions against your goals.

Stay on track

Once you have developed a plan, use the monitoring module of ClearPath to track implementation status of each action, as well as to track energy savings and emissions reductions achieved. The monitoring reports will allow you to compare actual emissions from new inventories to your planning scenario, and to compare actual performance of actions to expected performance.

Receive Expert Support

ClearPath is built for ease of use, but as part of ICLEI membership, we provide technical support through in-depth training on each step of ClearPath’s setup and use.

One-on-One Advising

Live Webinars

Learning Modules

Hear from ClearPath Users

"ICLEI- Local Governments for Sustainability is the oldest and most effective nonprofit working on climate issues with local governments. They are the leading group that helps local governments create a baseline greenhouse gas inventory (GHGI), which becomes the road map for reducing GHG emissions. They also are one of the most active groups assisting local governments to develop and implement climate action plans, making communities more resilient. And they do this work at a surprisingly low cost. They are my ‘go to’ group for everything climate-related."

Brigid Shea, Travis County Commissioner, Precinct 2, Texas

“It’s a huge challenge to coordinate a regional climate action plan. Each jurisdiction has different goals and priorities, and we’ve had to make a lot of adjustments throughout the process. ICLEI and SEEC have a lot of great resources. I relied a lot on the protocols and ClearPath guides."

Connor McGuigan
Planner, Humboldt County, CA

“Our ICLEI memberships have paid dividends far greater than the modest fees required. Beyond the rich library of research and tools to advance climate action, and the networking opportunities with like-minded counterparts in other municipalities; the technical assistance and expert guidance that we received from ICLEI allowed us to leverage internal resources to develop our first GHG inventories under the Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Inventories. With our baseline inventories archived in ClearPath, we are now using it to crunch our data and identify the most impactful strategies to reduce and eliminate carbon emissions. I look forward to increasing our utilization of ICLEI’s expanding capabilities.”

Rocky Mould
Energy Program Manager, Office of Climate Change, Sustainability and Resiliency, City and County of Honolulu, HI

“ICLEI membership provides tools for future research, data collection and planning activities. ICLEI’s resources are widely used as the standard for collecting greenhouse gas emissions data and [ClearPath is] a tool that both Clallam County and Jefferson County have used.”

Ken Dubuc
Fire Chief, City of Port Angeles, WA

"The new ClearPath web-based tool builds upon the accuracy and thoroughness of CACP, while improving reliability and the user experience. Since the program is web-based, my team no longer worries about software compatibility and can share inventory information in real-time. Delivering quality information to our local government partners is very important to us. ClearPath makes it easier than ever to share emissions information with our partners, and quickly tailor the data to their needs with the click of a mouse."

Bryce Dias
Former Program Manager, Greater Valley Center, CA

"The Sustainable Energy Committee provides an annual report to Town Meeting on actions and progress, including an emissions estimate. The ICLEI software for estimating emissions has been a critical and valuable tool for this reporting. It provides the ability to examine data from multiple perspectives by fuel source or by segment of the community. ICLEI has maintained consistency of measurement while making the software increasingly intuitive and easy to use."

Katy Gibson // Ellen Korpi
Town Supervisor & Chair of the Green Ribbon Study Committee // Chair of the Sustainable Energy Committee, Wellesley, MA

"ICLEI's tools are one of a kind, as far as I can tell. Where else can you track data, calculate GHG emissions, and observe trends, all in one remotely maintained platform? I feel confident when I use the tools because ICLEI integrates the latest and greatest methodologies and emissions factors, a big job that is incredibly helpful and so needed in the context of increasingly complex GHG conversations at the local level. And of course, ICLEI always provides excellent and expert support. Thanks!"

Arielle Usher
Former Energy Analyst, Alameda, CA

"ClearPath has allowed the City of Monterey to inventory our emissions in a comprehensive, reliable way, employing both the Local Government Operations and U.S. Community Protocol. The built-in calculators and helpers in ClearPath make quick work of what can be a daunting set of conversions and equivalencies."

Ted J. Terrasas
REHS - Sustainability Coordinator, Monterey, CA

"The dynamic charts are a powerful tool to use during public meetings. The user interface is modern and intuitive. ClearPath helps us zero in on strategies that can achieve an impact."

Scott Tess
Sustainability Coordinator, City of Urbana, IL