The California SEEC Program is Sunsetting. Now What?

The SEEC program will close December 31, 2020. The use of the free ClearPath tool and SEEC Learning Portal will no longer be available. Local governments can join ICLEI to maintain service — with enhanced benefits.

What’s Driving This Change?

Due to CPUC Decisions requiring the Investor-Owned Utilities (IOUs) to outsource 60 percent of their customer programs (Decision 16-08-0192) to Third Party contractors, and the minimum cost- effectiveness thresholds for IOU program portfolios, the IOUs have undergone a portfolio balancing process that includes reducing budgets and sunsetting programs, including the IOUs’ partnership with SEEC.

What Happens to My ClearPath Climate Data?

Your data will be maintained and accessible. Starting in January 2021, your ClearPath access will switch to “read only”, meaning that from 2021 onward, you will still be able to log in to view and download your climate data in ClearPath. However, you will not be able to continue editing a GHG inventory, create new forecasts, or further develop your climate planning scenarios.

Continue full ClearPath access (plus additional benefits) through ICLEI membership. You can continue to create and edit inventories, build forecasts and develop climate scenario models by joining ICLEI as a member. Councils of government or regional entities can become ICLEI Affiliates. In addition to ClearPath, ICLEI members and affiliates will be assigned a dedicated technical advisor, have access to exclusive training cohorts, engage internationally, and more.

What Are My Options Now?

Get technical support for the rest of 2020. ICLEI staff is ready to help you finish projects, such as a GHG inventory, while you still have access to the free SEEC resources. For information on the closing of the SEEC program or if you are interested in technical assistance to complete projects, contact Calyn Hart at

Scope a custom ICLEI membership plan. We want you to feel confident in the value of ICLEI membership. Review your California ICLEI Member Benefits. Then, set up a 30-minute member-support scoping call with us so that we can map out a customized support plan for the year ahead. Scope your membership with Kale Roberts at

SEEC’s Impact on California Energy

The Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative (SEEC) program launched in 2011 as a collaborative partnership between three California nonprofits — Institute for Local Governments (ILG), Local Government Commission (LGC), and ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability — with direction and funding support from the California investor-owned utilities SoCalGas, Southern California Edison, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, and San Diego Gas & Electric.

The Beacon Program continues to recognize excellence in climate action.

ICLEI’s Calyn Hart accepts the Partner of the Year Award for 2019. Photo by ILG
