ICLEI USA Member Cities Show Local-Level Leadership at Habitat III

This week marked a big opportunity for ICLEI USA member cities to share their experiences with the global community at Habitat III, the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development. From October 17-20, 2016, leaders from local governments around the world gathered in Quito, Ecuador, to determine the roadmap for urban development and […]

ICLEI and partners COP21 update: Compact of Mayors

Mayor Frank Cownie COP21

During a side event of COP21 – December 7 in Paris ICLEI and its partners provided an update to the UNFCCC negotiators with the achievements of the Compact of Mayors and created a dialogue to explore options for enhanced engagement of local and subnational governments in raising the level of ambition and accelerating climate action at all levels based on the outcomes of the COP21 in Paris.

ClearPath Opens to All US Cities for Free

In support of cities meeting their Compact of Mayors’ commitments to local climate action and thanks to a grant from Bloomberg Philanthropies, starting today the community-scale Inventory Module of ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability’s ClearPath is open to any US city, county, or regional government for free.