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Local Government High-Impact Pathways to Zero Emissions

ICLEI USA’s analysis of nearly one hundred city and county greenhouse gas emissions inventories shows that it is possible to reach aggressive 2030 science-based targets. The presentation introduced this preliminary analysis and previewed the high-impact action pathways ICLEI USA is developing for its members in the Race to Zero and ICLEI150.

See the opportunities coming to ICLEI USA members through 2021 and beyond.


According to leading climate scientists, the world must cut emissions by 50% by 2030 and achieve zero emissions by 2050 at the latest. The Race to Zero is a global campaign to rally leadership and support from cities, regions, and other stakeholders for a healthy, resilient, zero-carbon recovery.

The Cities Race to Zero (CRTZ) urges cities to join the movement. Cities in the CRTZ pledge to reach zero emissions by 2050 and set an interim 2030 target. They then must plan at least one high-impact action to achieve these commitments, proceed with these actions, and publish their progress.

The ICLEI150 is both a group of ICLEI USA members joining the Cities Race to Zero and a work plan to accelerate ICLEI USA members’ progress towards zero emissions.