Unite2Green Hayward


Start: 2015
End: 2016
Client or funder: The San Francisco Foundation
Collaborators: Hayward Promise Neighborhood, Hayward Unified School District, and Made in Hayward.


Unite2Green empowered the Jackson Triangle to strengthen its climate resiliency action

Higher than average temperatures and poor air quality, exacerbated by climate change are threats to communities along the 880 freeway such as Hayward’s Jackson Triangle neighborhood, which is 45% above the countywide rate of asthma hospitalization. The Jackson Triangle neighborhood faces an even higher vulnerability to climate change because of low-quality housing stock and a high percentage of renters in the area.

Why the Hayward Community Project

  • Meaningful input of affected community members in Hayward’s climate action and adaptation plans
  • Educate Hayward Jackson Triangle neighborhood residents on the effects of climate change on their families’ health, finance and security
  • Introduce youth to trainings, educational opportunities and careers in the green economy

About Jackson Triangle

  • 11,345 total residents, with 3,442 households
  • 46% of residents’ primary language is Spanish, while for 37% it is English
  • 17.4 % of residents are living below the poverty level, compared to 15.9% for California
  • 80% of students enrolled in the six Hayward Promise Neighborhood target schools receive free and reduced lunch
  • 32% of Jackson Triangle households are female-headed, compared to 19% for California
  • Ethnicity: 55% Hispanic/Latino, 15% African American or Black, 10%Asian, 10% White

Project Activity

A partnership between ICLEI USA, the City of Hayward, and Hayward Promise Neighborhood, Unite2Green Hayward is a pilot program that will identify strategies to meaningfully engage under-served populations on climate change. Unite2Green Hayward trains youth. and adults to become leaders and advocates for the betterment of their peers through climate resiliency actions. In a series of workshops and a neighborhood challenge, the Unite2Green Team will help Jackson Triangle residents save money and resources; safeguard their health; and protect their community from the effects of climate change.

ICLEI USA will use the outcome of this project to design guidelines for other communities.


  • Training for students and community leaders to deliver workshops to their fellow Jackson Triangle residents
  • Workshops on water, energy, waste, indoor air quality, and city climate
  • action/adaptation planning
  • Brochures, fact sheets, and other informational materials
  • Friendly community challenge to take community climate actions

Those Involved

Hayward, CA