Transportation Mode Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis


Start: February 2021
End: April 2021
Client or funder: Central Wasatch Commission


The Central Wasatch Commission in Utah recognizes the importance of quantifying the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from alternative modes for the Mountain Transportation System Project.  The Mountain transportation System connects communities together, creating stakeholders in the surrounding local and regional governments. This analysis will identify emissions reduction potential for the alternatives compared to the baseline use case and establish data-driven metrics for consideration.

Project Activity

ICLEI provided technical expertise in the understanding and analysis of alternative modes of transportation in comparison to the current mode of transportation of passenger vehicles.

ICLEI is gathering data on different modes of transportation from vendors and clients. The U.S. Community Protocol methodology is being applied in the analysis.


This activity is providing data-driven metrics for consideration. It aims to help the Utah Department of Transportation choose a low emissions option to pursue.

Those Involved

Central Wasatch Commission