Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative (SEEC) Supports California Local Government Climate Planning


Start: 2011
End: 2020
Client or funder: California investor-owned utilities under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission
Collaborators: PG&E


SEEC is an alliance between the statewide nonprofit organizations and California’s four Investor-Owned Utilities under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. SEEC provides no-cost support to California local governments.

California local governments partnered with the SEEC program enjoy non-cost access to the ICLEI developed SEEC ClearPath, an all-in-one, cloud-based suite of online tools to help local governments complete community-wide and government operations greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories; forecast emissions change; and analyze actions to create climate action plans.

Project Activity

In 2018, ICLEI led a series of nine training cohort sessions for 22 local governments on how to develop climate action scenarios using ClearPath. Building on this effort, in 2019, ICLEI supported 21 local governments to prepare their climate action plans.

The SEEC ClearPath Planning Module allows communities to produce cost-effective, target plans, offering built-in calculators specific to California policies that can assess community-specific impacts and benefits of mitigation strategies. Resulting visualizations can e exported and shared, showing combinations of GHG-reducing actions – and delivering insights for which actions are most impactful and when targets can expect to be met. City of Fremont Sustainability Assistant Robert Barton recounts his experience with the SEEC program: “I use ClearPath to assess our GHG inventory and compare against previous years, and we appreciate all the resources and help that ICLEI provides. Our [climate action plan] development would be all the more challenging without them.” ICLEI’s assistance to California’s local governments continues through 2020.


Community-scale GHG inventories completed through SEEC ClearPath accounts: 418
SEEC ClearPath accounts: 344
Local government operations GHG inventories: 250
Zero-net Energy Cohort participants: 21

Those Involved

SEEC provides no-cost support to California local governments.

“It’s a huge challenge to coordinate a regional climate action plan. Each jurisdiction has different goals and priorities, and we’ve had to make a lot of adjustments throughout the process. ICLEI and SEEC have a lot of great resources. I relied a lot on the protocols and ClearPath guides.” – Connor McGuigan, Humboldt County Planner