Pueblo County, CO Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Vulnerability Assessment


Start: December 2020
End: March 2021
Client or funder: Pueblo County


The importance of conducting the vulnerability assessment was to identify the impacts climate change would have on the county, systems, and populations and to what extent. The project assessed vulnerability and what actions will be taken as a result. For the GHGI, the project was to better understand the sources of emissions and to make high impact SBT and actionable reduction strategies.

Project Activity

ICLEI conducted 3 GHG inventory from 2017 to 2019 in compliance with the Community Protocol to apply for a LEED Cities certification. ICLEI used ClearPath in Compliance with the Community Protocol. ICLEI gave a baseline of major emissions to show how they are increasing and decreasing over the three year timeline.

The Vulnerability Assessment identified impacts and the areas most vulnerable to climate change as well as actionable next steps for the community. ICLEI also conducted a resilience plan that highlighted actionable steps to follow. In this part of the plan, ICLEI added human induced vulnerabilities to make it compliant with the needs for a LEED Cities certification.


A completed GHG Inventory and Vulnerability Assessment

Those Involved

Pueblo County, CO