City of Milwaukee, WI Wedge Analysis


Start: October 2020
End: June 2021
Client or funder: City of Milwaukee


The City of Milwaukee had set emissions targets as part of their Climate and Equity Task Force. Following an ICLEI GHG Inventory, the city requested a Wedge Analysis to determine the feasibility of meeting those targets. The local governments provided input of proposed strategies and feedback. They additionally coordinated with their community committees which had both political and community support to conduct this process.

Photo by Tom Barrett on Unsplash

Project Activity

ICLEI researched strategies, conducted the technical analysis, and developed a forecast and written memo of potential mitigation strategies. ICLEI’s technical experts developed and projected future emissions reductions from potential policy and program implementation. With input form City Staff and The Community Task Force, ICLEI technical expertise applied selected strategies given Milwaukee’s specific conditions and applied the calculated emissions reductions against Milwaukee’s existing emissions reduction goals.


A completed wedge analysis which included 10 recommended strategies to reach city GHG reduction goals.

Those Involved

Milwaukee, WI