New ICLEI Report Details Progress Made by California Cities in Cutting Carbon Pollution

State Of Local Climate Action Report

A new report out from ICLEI and partners presents a first-of-its-kind portrait of city climate leadership at the state level.  The State of Local Climate Action: California 2016 provides a comprehensive analysis of measurable local emissions trends, targets, planning efforts, and energy and climate actions in the state, along with in-depth profiles of local and regional agencies pursuing goals like public health and economic development through climate action.  The report was developed through the Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative (SEEC), a partnership among ICLEI, Institute for Local Government, Local Government Commission, and the four investor-owned utilities in California.

This research is made possible for the first time by drawing on stores of data in ICLEI’s ClearPath emissions management software platform, which was originally developed through SEEC.  More than 400 local governments worldwide are using ClearPath to measure and track their carbon pollution, and through the SEEC partnership, all local governments can access ClearPath in California.

The report findings confirm that local governments are making a significant contribution to the State of California’s climate goals, which are among the most aggressive in the world with a targeted 40% reduction below 1990 levels by 2030 recently passed into law.

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