Climate Summit of Local and Regional Leaders

Bonn, Germany
November 6-17, 2017


Angie Fyfe, Executive Director

Mike Steinhoff, Tools and Technology Director

ICLEI USA Local Leaders Delegation

Mayor Frank Cownie; Des Moines, IA

Council Member Pam O’Connor, Santa Monica, CA

Mayor Ted Winterer; Santa Monica, CA

Mayor William Peduto, Pittsburgh, PA

Council Member Matthew Appelbaum, Boulder, CO

Council Member Sam Weaver, Boulder, CO

Commissioner Brigid Shea, Travis County, TX

Mayor Lionel Johnson, St. Gabriel, LA (with Mississippi River Cities & Towns Initiative)

Mayor Frank Klipsch, Davenport, IA (with Mississippi River Cities & Towns Initiative)

Mayr James Brainard, Carmel, IN (with WWF US)

ICLEI USA People’s Delegation

Rhiannon Gallagher, Wheat Ridge, CO

Justin Marquez, El Cerrito, CA

Bridget Tydor, New Orleans, LA

Guadalupe Daisy Romero, Hayward, CA

Scott Tess, Urbana, IL

Dyanna Jaye, Richmond, VA

ICLEI USA City Staff Delegation

Daniel A. Zarrilli, PE, Senior Director of Climate Policy and Programs and Chief Resilience Officer, City of New York (with 100 Resilient Cities)

Jerome Tinianow, Chief Sustainability Officer, Denver, CO (with Global Lead Cities Network, ICLEI Europe)

Oliver Kroner, Green Cincinnati Plan & Sustainability Coordinator, Cincinnati, OH (with Urban Transitions Alliance, ICLEI Global)

Grant Ervin, Chief Resilience Officer, Pittsburgh, PA (with Urban Transitions Alliance, ICLEI Global)

Oluwole Floy, Water Director, Buffalo, NY (with Urban Transitions Alliance, ICLEI Global)

Jairo Garcia, Director of Climate Policies & Renewables, Atlanta GA (with the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy)

John Seydel, Director of Sustainability, Atlanta, GA (with Emory University)

U.S. Dignitaries at ICLEI-hosted events

Former U.S. Vice President and Founder of Climate Reality Project Al Gore, (with Participant Media)

Former California Governor and founder of R20, Arnold Schwarzenegger

California Governor Jerry Brown

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe

Tom Steyer, activist and philanthropist

U.S. Senator Jeff Merkely (with

Massachusetts State Senator Josh S. Cutler (with

Observers: Bill Rogers and Michael Kasten, The Serendipity Foundation

Speaking Events arranged by ICLEI and partners

November 7

U.S. Peoples Delegation Press Conference

Dyanna Jaye, U.S. Peoples Delegate, Richmond, VA

November 9

COP23 ICLEI + RVR side event: Cities in Transition: Industrial Legacy for a Low Carbon Future

COP23 Bonn Zone, UNFCCC Meeting Room 6

William Peduto, Mayor of Pittsburgh, PA

100% Renewable Energy Panel with Renewable Cities

Pam O’Connor, Council Member of Santa Monica, CA

Urban Transitions Alliance event: Transition Stories: Industrial Legacy. Sustainable Future.

COP23 Bonn Zone, Cities and Regions Pavilion

Oliver Kroner, Green Cincinnati Plan & Sustainability Coordinator, Cincinnati, OH

Grant Ervin, Chief Resilience Officer Pittsburgh, PA

Oluwole Floy, Water Director, Buffalo, NY

U.S. People’s Delegation Speak Out hosted by

U.S. Climate Action Center

Rhiannon Galhagher; Wheat Ridge, CO

Justin Marquez; Oakland, CA

Daisy Romero; Hayward, CA

November 10

Global Lead Cities Network on Sustainable Procurement

COP23 Bonn Zone, Cities and Regions Pavilion

Jerome Tinianow; Chief Sustainability Officer Denver, CO

November 11

America’s Pledge Launch Event

Cities and Regions Pavilion

Scott Tess, U.S. Peoples Delegate, Urbana, IL

Climate Finance Panel

U.S. Climate Action Center, with CDP and Center for American Progress

Mayor Lionel Johnson, St Gabriel, LA

Mayor Frank Klipsch, Davenport, IA

Daniel A. Zarrilli, PE, Senior Director of Climate Policy and Programs and Chief Resilience Officer, City of New York

Carbon-Free Cities

U.S. Climate Action Center, with RMI

Angie Fyfe, Executive Director of ICLEI USA

Mayor Lionel Johnson, St Gabriel, LA

Mayor Frank Klipsch, Davenport, IA

U.S. People’s Delegation Town Hall with Elected Officials

U.S. Climate Action Center, with

Council Member Pam O’Connor, Santa Monica, CA

Mayor William Peduto, Pittsburgh, PA

Commissioner Brigid Shea, Travis County, TX

Mayor Lionel Johnson, St Gabriel, LA

Rhiannon Galhagher; Wheat Ridge, CO

Justin Marquez; Oakland, CA

Bridget Tydor; New Orleans, LA

Daisy Romero; Hayward, CA

Scott Tess; Urbana, IL

U.S. Senator Jeff Merkely (D-OH)

Massachusetts State Senator Josh

Moderator: Jerome Tinianow; Chief Sustainability Officer, Denver, CO

Screening of An Inconvenient Sequel (with Participant Media)

Bonn Art Museum

Former Vice President Al Gore, founder Climate Reality Project

Council Member Matt Appelbaum, Boulder, CO

Special Reception for U.S. Local Leaders hosted by Bonn Mayor and First Vice-President of ICLEI Ashok Sridharan

Bonn Art Museum

Special Guests: Al Gore and Arnold Schwarzenegger

November 12

Summit of Local and Regional Climate Leaders

COP 23 Bonn Zone: Room 8 and 6

Mayor Frank Cownie, Des Moines, IA

Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Founder of R20

California Governor Jerry Brown

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe

Activist and Philanthropist, Tom Steyer

November 13

Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy Day

Japan Pavilion

Council Member Sam Weaver, Boulder, CO

Transatlantic Cooperation

Mayor Frank Cownie, Des Moines, IA

Resilience Panel

Laura Kavanagh, ICLEI World Secretariat

Voices of American Communities: Local and Regional Climate Action Stories

COP23 Bonn Zone, Cities and Regions Pavilion

Bridget Tydor; New Orleans, LA

Dyanna Jade; Richmond, VA

Scott Tess; Urbana, IL

Analyzing Drivers of Change in Emissions Inventories and Localizing the Paris Agreement

COP23 Bonn Zone, Cities and Regions Pavilion

Mike Steinhoff, ICLEI USA

Documents Released

America’s Pledge Phase 1 Report

Mike Steinhoff, ICLEI USA tools and Technical Director, contributor

Localizing the Paris Agreement: A Guide for Local Government Action in Support of the U.S. Nationally Determined Contribution

Mike Steinhoff, ICLEI USA tools and technical director, Kale Roberts, ICLEI USA Program Officer, and Angie Fyfe, ICLEI USA Executive Director, authors

Press Events and Coverage

UNFCCC. Digital Talks.

U.S. Peoples Delegate Dyanna Jaye

Press Q&A: Climate Action – Non-State Actors
Bridget Tydor; New Orleans, LA
Dan Zarrilli; Senior Director Climate Programs, Chief Resilience Officer New York
Frank Cownie; Mayor Des Moines, IA
Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe U.S. People’s Delegation at COP23. Author: Thanu Yakupitiyage. (Nov. 17, 2017)

Channel News Asia. UN climate talks wrap up as US stands firm on fossil fuels. (Nov. 17, 2017)

CityLab. What Post-Industrial Cities Can Learn From Each Other. Author: Linda Poon. (Nov. 13, 2017)

Deutsche Welle. World in Progress: Climate challenges and chances in Pittsburgh and Tshwane [Audio]. Producer/ host: Anke Rasper (Nov. 15, 2017)

ICLEI CityTalk blog. U.S. leaders and climate activists show the world We are Still In. Authors: ICLEI Global Communications Team. (Nov. 11, 20147)

Politico. Data transparency: The key to stopping climate change in its tracks. Author: Kasim Reed, Mayor of Atlanta, GA, and Mauricio Rodas Espinel, Mayor of the Metropolitan District of Quito. (Nov. 13, 2017)

Thomson Reuters Foundation. Cities and regions are key in shaping grand coalition on global climate action. Authors: Ashok Sridharan, mayor of Bonn, and William Peduto, mayor of Pittsburgh. (Nov. 2, 2017)

Thomson Reuters Foundation. From grey to green: smokestack cities power to bright future. Author: Astrid Zweynert. (Nov. 9, 2017)
