Tracking progress in GHG mitigation can be a challenging exercise. Time between data points might be several years in length, the resolution of the data is often coarse, and the task in mitigation action is to manage a dynamic system that is open to many other factors that influence outcomes. In addition, many types of actions are diffuse throughout the community and rely on the individual decisions of many actors. In these types of circumstances, an approach known as “Contribution Analysis” can offer insights to the many factors working for and against the intended outcome.
Through a funding award from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Cities Leading through Energy Analysis and Planning (Cities-LEAP) Program, ICLEI USA and the City of Bellevue, Washington, have worked to advance the state of the GHG mitigation practice by equipping cities to perform their own GHG Contribution Analysis of the biggest drivers influencing GHG performance of communities. By accounting for significant sources of noise in the data, communities using this approach will have a better signal to evaluate overall progress and more through understanding of the nature of the problem they are trying to solve.
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Below are a number of additional resources to support your successful use of the GHG Contribution Analysis Toolkit.
Work will continue on the development of this resource to incorporate lessons learned into the US Community Protocol, explore new applications and analyses that can be performed with the techniques developed here. Sign up for the ICLEI-USA Newsletter to stay informed of new developments
ICLEI-USA Would like to thank the US Department of Energy Cities-LEAP Program for supporting this work. Related resources for this project from the Cities LEAP program can be found here.
Participating Steering Committee Local Governments: Bellevue WA, King County WA, Metro Washington Council of Governments, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, Aspen CO, Santa Monica CA.
Additional Pilot Communities: Durham City and Durham County NC, Miami-Dade County FL, Cleveland OH, Portland OR, Hayward CA, Blacksburg VA, City and County of Denver CO, Benicia CA, Metro Government of Nashville & Davidson County TN, Olympia WA, Shoreline WA, Ashland OR
Additional Technical Support: WSP USA, Cascadia Consulting Group, Hammerschlag & Co LLC, National Renewable Energy Lab
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