Energy Efficiency in Low Income Communities

The EPA Clean Power Plan final rule, announced this week, includes a proposed early credit program for energy efficiency savings achieved in 2020 and 2021 in low-income communities.

Through ICLEI’s Unite2Green program, young people in low-income communities are trained to deliver energy efficiency education to members of their community.  Using the Enterprise Green Communities Green and Healthy Living Resident Engagement materials, youth lead the community through practical exercises and workshop activities, empowering residents to save water and energy, reduce waste, improve indoor air quality, and save money.

Energy efficiency is an important aspect of climate change mitigation and health in all communities.  A 1.5% per year reduction in energy use applied to the 116 cities in the ICLEI USA / World Wildlife Fund Measuring_Up_2015 would result in energy savings of 8 million megawatt hours reduced each year, saving consumers in those cities over $860 million in the first year alone.
