Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG)
ICLEI USA will focus our network support on key Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 (IIJA) programs that best align with ICLEI’s expertise and our network’s needs, specifically the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG).

Funding for Infrastructure Investment
The bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 (IIJA) provides significant investment in our nation’s infrastructure and enhances our ability to advance local climate action!
While the IIJA provides funding for hundreds of programs of interest to state and local governments, ICLEI USA will focus our network support on key IIJA programs that best align with ICLEI’s expertise and our network’s needs. Given our experience and member interests, we will be able to support members interested in the $550 million of Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) program.
The EECBG program is administered by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) through formula and competitive grants. The Government Accountability Office reports, “Grant recipients are using EECBG funds primarily for three activities: energy-efficiency retrofits, financial incentive programs, and building and facilities programs.” DOE has yet to release official program guidance, but this site will be updated as information becomes available.
ICLEI USA Executive Director, Angie Fyfe, led the deployment of the Colorado Governor’s Energy Office EECBG and SEP programs (2009-2012) during the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Our team is uniquely qualified to support ICLEI USA members seeking EECBG funding.
“I’m very excited about the opportunity to support our local and tribal government members and state government partners with these important programs. We know the degree to which climate investments are underfunded - the EECBG will provide a much needed boost. Moreover, the funding comes at a time when technology and policy advances will enable advancement in much needed areas ranging from grid decarbonization to transportation electrification to environmental justice.”
Angie Fyfe, Executive Director of ICLEI USA
Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Energy
Total amount of funding available: $550 million, both block grant and competitive
- City governments with population of 35,000 or more OR a population that causes the city to be one of the ten most populous cities in the state in which it is located
- County governments with population of 200,000 or more OR a population that causes the county to be one of the ten most populous counties in the state in which it is located
- Tribal Nations
- State Energy Offices for the benefit of smaller local governments
Application requirements:
- DOE estimated application opening date is 4th quarter 2022. Please sign up for ICLEI USA updates.
What to Do Now
ICLEI USA offers an EECBG support package for all members interested in services at all stages, including pre-award assistance. We will support your energy efficiency and conservation strategy by developing goals for energy efficiency, conservation, and usage; and identifying strategies to increase energy efficiency, reduce energy consumption and encourage behavioral changes.
For a $1,000 one-time fee, members will receive, in addition to the Standard ICLEI USA Membership Benefits:
- A one-hour EECBG consultation with your ICLEI USA technical assistance provider to help avoid delays in the Department of Energy review process and to tap into best practices in other communities
- Access to an exclusive Partnership Platform to scout, source, and identify resources and access information on pricing and service delivery
- A repository of example Request for Proposal and budget documents
- Exclusive EECBG Peer-Network
To ensure that your community is ready to take advantage of this opportunity, request your community’s ICLEI USA Support Package for the EECBG program by July 1st, 2023 and watch our EECBG & Inflation Reduction Act funding information sessions here!

Eligibility Reccomendations
If your local government is eligible for a direct allocation of EECBG funding:
- Ensure that your GHG inventories (community and government operations) up to date
- Establish sector-based targets for GHG mitigation
- Review with ICLEI USA your High-Impact Analysis (HIA) summary
- Model mitigation strategies in the ClearPath Planning module
- Review the list of EECBG funding Eligible Uses
- Notify your budget, finance, and legal teams that the funding is expected
- Review your previous EECBG plans and results (2009 – 2013 timeframe)
- Read about national results, activities successes in prior EECBG round
- Attend one of our informational meetings
- Register your local government interest in participating in ICLEI-led proposals to DOE for competitive EECBG funding
If your local government is NOT eligible for a direct allocation of EECBG funding:
- Contact your State Energy Office to identify opportunities to access funds or programs
- Connect with ICLEI USA to discuss ICLEI programs available to State Energy Offices
- Finalize GHG inventory, energy plans, and mitigation strategies to be prepared for opportunities
- Register your local government interest in participating in ICLEI-led proposals to DOE for competitive EECBG funding