Defending the Clean Power Plan

iclei_CPPThe Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Clean Power Plan is an ambitious plan to reduce carbon pollution from the U.S. electric power sector, and represents a significant portion of the country’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), submitted as its expected contribution toward a new climate agreement to be negotiated in Paris in early December.  The INDC also includes clean car and truck standards and building efficiency and is expected to reduce national emissions by 26-28% below 2005 levels by 2025.


On November 5th,  ICLEI’s Local Climate Leaders Circle – a delegation of U.S. local elected officials who will travel with ICLEI USA to COP21 in Paris – issued a letter to EPA Administrator, Gina McCarthy to underscore the importance of the Clean Power Plan to an international climate agreement.  A delay in implementing the Clean Power Plan will considerably undermine the ability of the U.S. to negotiate with other countries for a meaningful agreement in Paris.

For updates from Paris, please follow us @ICLEI_USA on Twitter for updates.
