Sustainable and Circular Public Procurement Cohort

Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) is a vital tool for local governments seeking to prioritize sustainability and climate action. When implemented effectively, SPP can generate numerous social and economic benefits for communities related to fair wages, accessibility, social inclusion, employment rates, job growth, local innovation, and decreased life cycle costs.

In addition to learning the best practices for developing a sustainable procurement policy, participants in this cohort will learn about circular economy principles and criteria that apply to purchasing various goods and services, including buildings, public transport, furniture, food, and packaging. By adopting a more circular approach when advancing sustainable procurement practices, local governments open up new opportunities for economic growth and advancement.

This capacity-building cohort will benefit communities of all sizes and with all levels of experience with sustainable public procurement. By the end of the cohort, participants will have the skills to develop and implement a sustainable procurement policy with confidence. Procurement staff are strongly encouraged to participate in this cohort in addition to climate and sustainability staff.

ICLEI will provide participants with:

  • Live, web-based sessions monthly for five months with accompanying virtual office hours
  • Individualized assistance in developing SPP policies or updating existing policies
  • Peer exchange and learning, including sustainable procurement and circular economy best practices from across the US
  • ICLEI’s tools, templates, and other resources

At a Glance

Open To:

Regional Affiliates, Cities, Counties

# Participants:



April 2024-August 2024


200 - Intermediate


Free with ICLEI Membership


Low Emissions, Circular


There is no additional cost to participate. ICLEI estimates the value of this instruction at $15,000 per community: 12 hours of group instruction, monthly virtual office hours, access to our tools and peer network, and recognition.


Open to ICLEI members only.

Who Will Participate

Up to 20 ICLEI members will participate.

Effort Level

Participants will attend live virtual training sessions. They will also have the option of participating in office hours and reviewing provided templates/resources between sessions.


Exact dates and topics pending participant input.

Session 1: Kickoff, Introductions, and Federal Funding Considerations

Session 2: Laying the Foundations for the Policy Process

Session 3: Establishing a baseline

Session 4: Defining a Policy Scope and Setting Targets

Session 5: Drafting and Adopting the Policy

Session 6: Implementing the Policy


Contact your ICLEI Membership Advisor or email