Biodiversity Bootcamp

Although the United States has not ratified the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), U.S. communities are stepping up their action for nature in support of CBD outcomes. To meet the moment in this “Super Year for Nature”, when the UN convenes its Nature Conference, ICLEI USA is preparing a 6-part “Biodiversity Bootcamp” learning-and-leadership virtual training series that will open a pathway for U.S. communities to engage with the CBD proceedings unlike ever before.

Running each Monday from July 18 – August 22, 2022, the bootcamp will offer participating U.S. cities a sequential program that includes technical training supplemented by inspiring messages from mayors and local leaders taking action for nature.

What participants will learn:

  • Accepted frameworks for community-level action for nature
  • Financing nature-based solutions
  • How to integrate nature into local climate and sustainability plans
  • Creating indicators and success metrics
  • Putting the CitiesWIthNature and RegionsWithNature platforms to work in your community
  • How to engage with global advocacy on biodiversity

From Los Angeles’ Biodiversity Index to Fort Collins’ city-wide wildlife corridors and San Antonio’s Trilateral Friendship Garden, U.S. communities are innovating projects and mechanisms that mainstream biodiversity into government planning. Join the ICLEI Biodiversity Bootcamp and start your community’s journey creating action for nature.

Contact ICLEI USA Nature Pathway Lead Calyn Hart, ICLEI USA Program Officer, at or Kale Roberts, at for more information.

At a Glance

Open To:

ICLEI Members, Cities, Counties

# Participants:



July 2022 through August 2022


200 - Intermediate






6 hours of group instruction available to all participants. Access to tools and peer network, and recognition for communities that join CitiesWithNature and RegionsWithNature 1:1 individual post-series technical support for ICLEI USA members


No prerequisites.

Who Will Participate

Any U.S communities interested in biodiversity and nature-based solutions. No priority. Who Should Attend: Any local government leaders and staff who are interested in deploying nature-based solutions, defining a pathway for action on nature (such as part of a sustainability plan), and engaging with global advocacy for biodiversity.

Effort Level

Participants will attend six live webinars with presentations and sharing of best practices every week.


Session 1: Commit & Mobilize: Introduction to Global Frameworks for Action for Nature.

Session 2: Metrics and Indicators for Biodiversity Success

Session 3: Financing for Nature-based Solutions

Session 4: Community-based Approaches to Nature-based Solutions

Session 5: Collaborate: Partnerships for Nature

Session 6: Mainstreaming Nature in the Local Planning Process


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