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New Adaptation Services Offerings for Cities

    Communities across the U.S. are facing climate change impacts in the here and now that threaten critical infrastructure, livelihoods, and economic development. As more and more local governments are seeking resources and guidance to adapt to climate impacts already affecting their communities, we see that human-centered design processes lead to better outcomes. In […]

Modeling Multi-Stakeholder Resilience Strategies: Lessons from Pittsburgh, PA, and Oakland, CA

View of downtown Pittsburgh, PA, from the Duquesne Incline railroad observation deck. As a 100 Resilient Cities initiative city, Pittsburgh is tackling air quality issues, inequality, flash floods, and infrastructure failure through its resiliency strategy, completed in 2016. Photo by AdobeStock/f11photo A resilient city is prepared to absorb and recover from a shock or stress while […]

ICLEI USA Member Cities Show Local-Level Leadership at Habitat III

This week marked a big opportunity for ICLEI USA member cities to share their experiences with the global community at Habitat III, the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development. From October 17-20, 2016, leaders from local governments around the world gathered in Quito, Ecuador, to determine the roadmap for urban development and […]

New ICLEI Report Details Progress Made by California Cities in Cutting Carbon Pollution

A new report out from ICLEI and partners presents a first-of-its-kind portrait of city climate leadership at the state level.  The State of Local Climate Action: California 2016 provides a comprehensive analysis of measurable local emissions trends, targets, planning efforts, and energy and climate actions in the state, along with in-depth profiles of local and regional agencies […]