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A Bigger Toolbox: Leveraging a Fuller Set of City Powers for Sustainable Development

On June 21, 2024, a compelling session titled “A Bigger Toolbox: Leveraging a Fuller Set of City Powers for Sustainable Development” was held at the ICLEI 2024 World Congress. This session provided a platform for sharing diverse global perspectives on overcoming legal and regulatory challenges to achieve sustainable development. Moderated by David Driskell, Principal at […]

Reflexionando sobre Ciudades en Movimiento: Un Año en Reseña

Celebrando más de un año desde el lanzamiento del programa Ciudades en Movimiento, estamos emocionados de resaltar los logros de las ciudades participantes. Esta iniciativa colaborativa — del Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos, tres oficinas regionales y nacionales de ICLEI-Gobiernos Locales para la Sostenibilidad, Catalizador de Ciudades Resilientes , y el Instituto de […]

Refletindo sobre Cidades à Frente: Retrospectiva 

Em comemoração a mais de um ano desde o lançamento do programa Cidades à Frente, estamos animados em destacar as conquistas das cidades participantes. Essa iniciativa conjunta – que envolve o Departamento de Estado dos EUA, três escritórios regionais e nacionais do ICLEI – Governos Locais pela Sustentabilidade, Resilient Cities Catalyst e o Instituto das […]

Reflecting on Cities Forward: A Year in Review

Celebrating more than a year since the launch of the Cities Forward program, we’re excited to highlight the achievements of participating cities. This collaborative initiative — involving the U.S. Department of State, three regional and country offices of ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability, Resilient Cities Catalyst, and The Institute of the Americas — assists 12 Latin […]

Empowering Decisive Climate Action Through Data-Driven Approaches

Amidst the era of digital advancement, technology serves as a cornerstone for informed decision-making, when aligned to serve long-term sustainability goals. In the crucial endeavor to reach the 1.5°C target, embracing data-driven approaches becomes imperative for supporting decisive climate action.  An ICLEI session brought attention to the intersection of technological innovation and environmental responsibility, highlighting […]

Ensuring Equitable Access to Nature in America’s Cities 

Amidst the era of climate change impacts, the intricate link between biodiversity and community resilience takes center stage. At COP28, there is a profound understanding of the vital role nature plays in providing the necessities of life, including but not limited to clean water, clean air, and healthy foods.  In a session hosted at America […]

How the Inflation Reduction Act is Supercharging Climate Action Across America

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) marks a historic leap in the United States’ response to the climate crisis, echoing the sentiment that “the climate crisis demands an all-of-society and all-of-government approach,” as emphasized by Ambassador Nina Hachigian, U.S. Special Representative for City and State Diplomacy.   The IRA aims to propel the U.S. towards an 80% […]

Denver’s Local Stocktake Amplifies Community Voices for Global Impact

On November 2nd, 2023, the City of Denver hosted a local stocktake, bringing a mini-COP to the community to align with the Paris Agreement. The local stocktake goal is to ensure Denver’s voices are heard in the global Paris Agreement process and at COP28 — the 28th session of the United Nations’ annual “Conference of […]

Cinco Lições Chave do Lançamento do Programa Cidades à Frente

“Enquanto nos reunimos para dar início ao programa Cidades à Frente, com as 12 municipalidades latino-americanas e do Caribe e suas 12 contrapartes americanas, embarcamos em uma missão compartilhada: uma iniciativa que promove a sustentabilidade, a resiliência e a equidade em nossa luta incansável contra as mudanças climáticas.” Angie Fyfe, Directora Ejecutiva da ICLEI USA […]

Cinco Lecciones Claves del Lanzamiento del Programa Ciudades en Movimiento

“Mientras nos reunimos para dar inicio al programa Ciudades en Movimiento, con las 12 municipalidades Latinoamericanas y del Caribe y sus 12 contrapartes Estadounidenses, emprendemos una misión compartida: una iniciativa que eleva la sostenibilidad, la resiliencia y la equidad en nuestra lucha inquebrantable contra el cambio climático.” Angie Fyfe, Directora Ejecutiva de ICLEI USA The […]