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Moving from Commitments to Action: ICLEI USA 2017 Annual Report

The overwhelming response to the announcement that the U.S. would “renegotiate” the Paris Agreement was swift and amplified by governors, investors, businesses and universities who declare #WeAreStillIn! Local governments globally solidified this position by adopting the Bonn-Fiji Commitment at the Climate Summit for Local and Regional Leaders at COP23.

We, therefore, accelerate our advocacy and technical implementation offerings, knowing that with or without national support, our actions represent just one-third of the reductions needed to achieve global targets. We closed 2017 with hopeful highlights:

• ClearPath is used by 476 jurisdictions and contains 1,630 inventories
• The Drivers of Emissions Change Toolkit provides a better understanding of city progress
• ICLEI USA affiliate network now includes universities, key to advance science and evidence-based policies
• COP23 U.S. People’s Delegation brought the voices of tribes, migrants, and youth to an international stage
• The American Resilience Roadtrip amplified thestories of communities racked by extreme weather
• Our Localizing the Paris Agreement Guide offers many opportunities to turn commitments into action

We look forward to seeing you at the ICLEI World Congress June 19-22 in Montreal. Moving forward together.


