Meet Our Board

The ICLEI USA Board of Directors are local leaders from across the country, including mayors and county executives representing each region. The Board helps drive the organization strategically and ensures that ICLEI’s value to its local government members continues to meet and exceed expectations. We extend our deepest appreciation to our Board of Directors.

ICLEI North America Regional Executive Committee (RexCom)

  • Mayor Niki Armacost –  Hastings-on-Hudson, NY, USA
  • Mayor Jeni Arndt – Fort Collins, CO, USA
  • Mayor Barbara Buffaloe – Columbia, MO, USA

Each of the nine ICLEI regions also has its own Regional Executive Committee (RexCom), which approves new initiatives and programs in that region. All RexComs come together to form the ICLEI Council, the overarching decision making and guiding body. The Council shapes and approves the ICLEI strategy, has the sole power to amend our statutes and elects the Global Executive Committed (GexCom) portfolio seats.

ICLEI members vote for their RexCom representatives. 

Board Leadership

Board Chair Brigid Shea

Commissioner of Travis County, TX

Board Vice Chair Pam O’Connor

Former Mayor of City of Santa Monica, CA

Board Treasurer Matthew Appelbaum

Former Mayor of City of Boulder, CO

Board Members

Alix Desulme

Mayor, North Miami, FL

David Driskell

Principal with Baird+Driskell Community Planning

Dan Stiles

Founding Partner at Stiles.Legal and Senior Strategic Advisor, and General Counsel to former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and The Climate Reality Project

Frank Cownie

Former Mayor, City of Des Moines, IA

Jeni Arndt

Mayor, Fort Collins, CO

Kelly Takaya King

Former Maui Hawaii County Councilmember

Meghna Tare

Chief Sustainability Officer at the University of Texas Arlington

Nancy Metayer Bowen

Vice Mayor, Coral Springs, FL

Niki Armacost

Mayor of Hastings-on-Hudson, NY

Patricia Lock Dawson

Mayor, Riverside, CA

Ravi Bhalla

Mayor of Hoboken, NJ

Victoria Salinas

Former Deputy Administrator for Resilience, Federal Emergency Management Agency