Efforts focused on the elimination of fossil fuels are critical, but do not fully address the climate crisis if consumption patterns remain unchanged. From land management to the production of buildings, vehicles, food, and consumer goods and services, 45 percent of global emissions are directly linked to our lifestyles. ICLEI is eager to target sustainable production and consumption in cities to help confront the challenge of consumption-based emissions.
This Consumption-Based Emissions Inventory (CBEI) Cohort provides structured technical assistance to guide ICLEI members through the steps of creating a consumption based greenhouse gas inventory as a baseline to support local policies and programs to operationalize the transition to a circular economy from infrastructure, business and community perspectives. Participants may choose to conduct a consumption survey of their community members, or may rely on downscaling of national or state data.
The cohort will assist up to 15 cities or counties as they create a CBEI following either complementary frameworks for the U.S. Community Protocol (USCP) or procedures in line with those required by Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy’s Common Reporting Framework (CRF).