Pre-Session [prior to September 2020]: Determining your communities data availability and ability to complete an inventory.
Session 1: Overview of the Forestry Appendix to the USCP & Experience of Pilot Counties (Week of September 14)
Learn how carbon cycles in forests to influence emissions and removals. Define the data needs to inspect land use change, and learn from the experiences of the three pilot communities who completed their forest carbon accounting exercises in 2019.
Session 2: Data Collection using Spatial Analysis or a Tree Inventory (Week of September 28)
Develop a Land Use Change Matrix and start conditioning your data.
Session 3: Forest Disturbances (Week of October 12)
This session examines the extent to which disturbances have been impacting forests in the inventory area, including deforestation, wildfire, insects, weather, and timber harvesting. The impact of these disturbances is highly variable at the local scale, so it is important to understand and quantify their extent and severity for assessing the overall carbon balance of forests in the inventory area.
Session 4: Forest Emission and Removal Factors (Week of October 26)
Both emission and removal factors are variables that depend on forest type, forest age, ecosystem carbon stock, and management intensity — these variables are used to stratify the area and improve local estimates.
Session 5: Activity Data Continued: Trees Outside of Forests (Week of November 9)
In many communities, trees are also present in non-forest areas, such as urban trees and trees growing on farms. While changes to the tree canopy outside forests don’t lead to a land use change, they can contribute significantly to the community’s GHG inventory.
Session 6: Emissions and Removal Factors from Trees Outside of Forests (Week of November 30)
Trees outside forests have some different characteristics than trees on forest land, and the sources of data are different.
Intersessional One-on-one check-ins (Month of December)
During these weeks, we will conduct calls with each community, answering questions and checking (or trouble-shooting) the calculations made to date for the inventory.
Session 7: Reporting and Interpreting Results (Week of January 11)
We will walk through the final reporting template and summary tables, discuss what each graph is showing, how it can be interpreted, and answer questions.We will also make recommendations on developing a presentation for the data and documenting the process (for future inventory compilers).
Session 8: Wrapup: Sharing Results and What it All Means (Week of January 25)
In this final session, we will help communities put the figures they generated into a broader context of climate action.
Wrapup: Communications, Celebrating, and Reporting Results (Month of February 2021)
Project wrap up, communication, celebrating the community participants, and reporting results