Inspiring Climate Action Through Communications: Insights from the 2024 Climate & Sustainability Communications Cohort

In the fight against climate change, effective communication is key to rallying support, driving action, and fostering resilience. For cities, towns, counties, regions, and tribal nations, sharpening their climate and sustainability messaging is not just a necessity—it’s a powerful tool for success. The 2024 Climate & Sustainability Communications Cohort, led by Anne Marie Cleary Rauker, […]

Helping Cities Prepare for a Future of Increased Climate Mobility

Climate mobility, the phenomenon in which people are forced to move as a result of climate change and climate disasters, is a growing issue in the U.S. and around the world.  Communities are increasingly feeling the effects of rising sea levels, extreme weather, and other climate-related disruptions, and these forces are pushing an increasing number […]

Olympia, WA Sets the Stage for a Climate-Resilient Future

ICLEI USA partnered with the City of Olympia, WA, to lead a climate action planning workshop for City staff and community stakeholders. Olympia, a member of the ICLEI network since 1991, has been actively engaged in climate action over several decades, implementing a variety of policies and programs. The City’s prior work includes efforts to […]