Meet the U.S. People’s Delegation: Justin Marquez Prepares Cities for Renewable Energy

ICLEI USA and are taking a U.S. People’s Delegation to COP23, the 2017 Conference of the Parties organized under the UNFCCC. Below is a message from delegate Justin Marquez from El Cerrito, CA. COP 23 will take place in Bonn, Germany, from November 6-17, 2017 — you can support Justin’s role at the climate […]
The American Resilience Roadtrip: ‘Livable Nashville’ Puts Advanced Technology to Work for Comprehensive City Sustainability

The American Resilience Roadtrip series follows concerned citizen Ben Colombo on a year-long, 50-state tour to find out how city governments, citizen groups, nonprofits, and others are making their communities more sustainable, more resilient, and better served. Follow Ben and ICLEI USA on Twitter and Instagram as we discover a more sustainable, more compassionate USA thriving at the ground level. […]