Connecting Cities with Science

ICLEI/Thriving Earth Exchange Pilot Project Partnership ICLEI USA and the American Geophysical Union (AGU)’s Thriving Earth Exchange® (TEX) have established a pilot partnership to advance both knowledge and practices contributing to resilient communities, and through activities to help mitigate the impact of climate change, natural hazards or natural disasters on lives and properties.
EnergySage & ICLEI Ally to Help Local Governments Boost Solar Energy Adoption
Online solar marketplace equips cities with simple alternative to Solarize programs, gives residents the power of choice in evaluating solar systems, installers and financing options EnergySage and ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability USA today announced that they have allied to help municipalities reach their renewable energy goals by advancing solar adoption in their communities.
Building energy efficiency and the Clean Power Plan
Energy efficiency serves as a compliance strategy for EPA’s Clean Power Plan. Energy efficiency in the building sector is touted as a “low-hanging fruit” for cities to take hold of, in order to lower overall carbon emissions. Indeed, energy efficiency opportunities are well understood and implemented in a variety of settings.
Clean Power Plan Clean Energy Incentive Program

Today’s release of the Clean Power Plan, is a hugely important step in the fight against climate change. Through energy productivity and renewable energy polices and programs, state and local governments have provided, and will continue to provide, meaningful carbon reductions and health benefits across the country.