Golden, CO Wedge Analysis


Start: March 2021
End: November 2021
Client or funder: Golden, CO


Golden, CO developed its first Greenhouse Gas Inventory in 2010. Golden used that effort to develop a Sustainability Action Plan as well as establish critical goals in the areas of energy, waste and water. Golden has set goals for both its Local Government Operations as well as the community and advocates for state policies that promote efficiency and sustainability. 

With a baseline inventory conducted according to ICLEI’s US Community Protocol, Golden sought to develop an updated GHG inventory as well as identify a forecast of Business as Usual Emissions and apply potential mitigation strategies to meet their emissions reductions goals and targets

Golden, CO 006” by GOVInstitute is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

Project Activity

ICLEI worked with Golden staff and stakeholders to develop a “wedge analysis” to inform pathways for Golden to achieve its 2030 and 2050 community scale GHG emissions reduction targets. This task includes updating assumptions regarding state and federal policies and sector specific targets to inform how the city will prioritize actions. ICLEI modeled, evaluated, and created Golden-specific scenarios to develop up to five short, mid and long term policies for the consideration of the Task Force.


Modeled 5 strategies
A completed Science Based Target and High Impact Action summary

Those Involved

Golden, CO