Montgomery County, MD Low Emissions Facilities Project


Start: February 2021
End: June 2021
Client or funder: Montgomery County, MD


Montgomery County has a very aggressive goal for emissions reduction. They aim to hit 80% reduction by 2027 and 100% reduction by 2030 for government operations. The county needed a plan for their buildings in order to reach this goal. The county provided data regarding energy use in buildings and retrofitting projects that had already began.

Development in Montgomery County, Md.” by Chesapeake Bay Program is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

Project Activity

ICLEI built a model of local government operation building emissions looking at the 20 largest buildings individually and the smallest buildings as a group. We estimated the impact of different energy emissions factors based on the data of already implemented actions and projected this to all buildings.


All 20 buildings were addressed and 8 different actions were modeled.

Those Involved

Montgomery County, MD