Community GHG Inventory and Forecast Member Cohort


Start: June 2021
End: November 2021
Client or funder: Member Cohort


This structured technical assistance program guides local governments through the steps of creating a Greenhouse Gas Inventory (GHGI), targets and forecasts in ICLEI’s ClearPath emissions management software application.

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash.

Project Activity

ICLEI provided 9 – 1.5 hour long web-based presentations which allowed for peer-exchange and learning. Training was held every two weeks supporting participants in conducting a community-wide GHG inventory. At the conclusion of the program, we hoped that participants will have conducted a GHGI and forecast of future emissions along with potential targets to reduce emissions and provide a basis for a Climate Action Plan.


As of 12/2/21, based on a survey sent out with 5 responses, 1 inventory has been completed with 4 near complete/ in the finalizing stages. 100% of respondents would agree or strongly agree that they would recommend the cohort and 100% of the respondents believe they have the tools and knowledge they did not have at the beginning. 40% of respondents are near complete in their forecast and 60% has not started. 80% of respondents believe the program met their community needs.

Those Involved

New Paltz, NY
Dallas, TX
Bellingham, WA
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Lansing, MI
Gardiner, NY
Gonzales, LA
State College, PA
Mountain View, CA
Santa Fe County, NM
Tuxedo Park, NY
Stamford, CT
Kalamazoo, MI
Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes